Running Gait Analysis London

We welcome runners who are participating in their first couch to 5km, to runners training for their first marathon, to those competing on the World stage. One thing we all have in common as runners are that at some stage we are likely to pick up an injury. We help you understand why you hurt, reduce any fear and get you back safely to doing what you love to do. There are lots of factors that can contribute to a runner experiencing pain. Quite often the cause of the problem is found in the running technique or behaviour, such as doing too much too quickly, or not allowing enough time for recovery.

Why Try A Personal Running Coach?

Instead, you should “road test” them on an in-store treadmill. The two main types of road running shoes are neutral andstability shoes, with the latter designed for runners who overpronate . If you’re not sure if you overpronate, it might be worth getting your gait analysed. Before embarking on your plan it can be worth getting a once-over to correct any minor niggles or running technique flaws that could develop into major problems, especially if you have a history of injuries. We follow the The Running School’s DMS Rehabilitation system to restore neuromuscular coordination and control, strength and mobility, to bring you back to full fitness and improve your range of motion. A self-assessment of the coachee’s own running technique.

I am a keen Marathon runner, Skier and cyclist, with experience in endurance sports and specialising in sports conditioning and High Intensity Interval Training as well as practising Yoga to enhance ones overall wellbeing. Qualified Level 3 Personal Trainer and Sports Massage Therapist. I also have experience competing as a professional footballer.

Running Technique Vs Running Style

Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some London-based Running Coaches, we can help. Face-to-face one-off 90 min running workshop or blocks of min running sessions. Running Jo is about coaching YOU to get the challenge, sense of achievement and enjoyment that your running deserves. Teaching the difference between running style and technique.

Dynamic Movement Skills Coaching

With easy access to reviews and direct contact with Running Coaches, you can be confident with your choice. There’s no pressure to hire, so you can compare profiles, read previous reviews and ask for more information before you make your decision. If you are interested in working with Coach Urban then please get in touch here and tell us a bit more about your running background. Individual Video Review and analysis of the coachee’s recordings. That's exhausting, depressing even and stops you from fully engaging in the sport you love.

I had been working super-long hours and had neglected my exercise so Cormac has built up my strength from a poor level to a good level. He pays real attention to the person he is coaching to ensure his exercises provide the right challenge and that their form is correct. He changes things up to makes sessions interesting - I have done a huge range of different exercises Running Technique Training in London while Cormac has been training me and he substitutes alternative exercises to work around any aches and niggles. He is also quite demanding and seems to know how much I can manage so I always feel I have had a good workout after one of his sessions. During the last 10 years a lot has been written about running technique and the various ‘school’s of running’.
