
Showing posts from July, 2022

Running Gait Analysis London

We welcome runners who are participating in their first couch to 5km, to runners training for their first marathon, to those competing on the World stage. One thing we all have in common as runners are that at some stage we are likely to pick up an injury. We help you understand why you hurt, reduce any fear and get you back safely to doing what you love to do. There are lots of factors that can contribute to a runner experiencing pain. Quite often the cause of the problem is found in the running technique or behaviour, such as doing too much too quickly, or not allowing enough time for recovery. Why Try A Personal Running Coach? Instead, you should “road test” them on an in-store treadmill. The two main types of road running shoes are neutral andstability shoes, with the latter designed for runners who overpronate . If you’re not sure if you overpronate, it might be worth getting your gait analysed. Before embarking on your plan it can be worth getting a once-over to correct any